
New Update 15/05/2020

New Update 15/05/2020

New Update 15/05/2020

Marches Biogas Continuing to Work Through Covid-19

Firstly, we would like to wish everyone safe and well during these unprecedented times we are currently facing. The offices here at Marches Biogas continue to remain open with limited staff whilst most where possible are working from home.

We want to reassure all our clients that we are still fully functioning as a business and are continuing to fulfil our support contract agreements during these times. With the wonders of modern-day technology Marches Biogas continue to carry out day to day business discussions and company meetings via Microsoft Teams and Zoom!

Our support team consisting of Mechanical, Electrical, Biological and Environmental are all continuing to provide the highest level of support to clients including routine sampling and analysis, mechanical maintenance, quarterly waste return submissions along with the continued emergency on call support. Our engineers are also undertaking a variety of maintenance and statutory work on sewage treatment works across the country. 

During these difficult times it has been brought to our attention that some sites are struggling to meet the requirements of their Environmental Permit, in particular, remaining compliant with the need for a Technically Competent Person(s). Marches Biogas offers WAMITAB Level 4 Competent Person cover to AD facilities and has a good relationship with the Environment Agency which has enabled us to establish the most appropriate measures to remain compliant with the sites permit requirements while adhering to government guidelines. If you would like any further information regarding this, please do not hesitate to contact us.

As some of you may be aware there have been discussions between the Industry bodies (REA & ADBA) and the National Grid Electricity System Operator (ESO) following the ESO notification that  due to a 20% drop in the demand for energy the ESO may instruct a Distribution Network Operator (DNO) to disconnect embedded generators connected to its system in an emergency situation.  ADBA and REA had set out a comprehensive argument for the ongoing operation of AD plants which in turn has received a response from the National Grid ESO clarifying that the recently approved power to disconnect embedded generators would not be used except in exceptional circumstances and following the exhaustion of all other options. The response letter has been included in the links below.

Did you know that over the past 21 consecutive days the UK hasn’t needed to use coal for energy production and that is because the key industries, including AD, continue to operate the essential services such as producing renewable energy, continued sewage treatment and supporting the disposal of food waste.

Below is a list of useful links which we think maybe of interests to you regarding COVID-19 and industry news;

ADBA Covid-19 Industry Bulletin (member login required)

REA Covid-19 Business Continuity

WISH-Covid-19 and Waste Management Activities

EA Regulatory Response to Covid-19

National Grid ESO - Last Resort Disconnection of Embedded Generation

Lastly, from everyone at Marches Biogas we would like to say a big thanks to Key Industry workers and please do not hesitate to contact us if there is anything we can help you with in the operation of your AD facility.  

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