

The Marches Biogas biological support team has experience of supporting plants with a variety of feedstocks, from slurry and energy crops based diets, to industrial food waste.

Quality feedstocks and the way it is handled is key to consistent output, the team can offer a number of services to help you achieve this.


Feedstock Analysis

It is critical to understand the characteristics of your feedstocks from the outset. The Marches Biogas laboratory has the ability to perform analysis and AD suitability studies whilst working with key external laboratories for additional analyses.

Once analysed a member of the team will call you to discuss the results and the feeding of your plant.


Feed Plans

Planning the feed regime for your plant is vitally important to ensure that any changes to the digester’s diet does not cause any adverse effect on the health of the process and consistency of output. Marches Biogas can help you to plan digester commissioning feed plans and gradual changes of feedstock.


Enzymes and Feedstock Additives

There are many different enzymes and feedstock additives available on the market and it is sometimes difficult to determine which ones will be beneficial to your process. Marches Biogas can help you to decide on possible products to use and advise on their application.

CASE sTUDY - FBRE Consulting Ltd

FBRE Consulting Ltd manage a range of anaerobic digestion plants. Learn how Marches Biogas are helping them maintain output at a number of their sites.


FBRE Consulting Ltd